+1 202 642-1433

Monitoring provides structured, routine data to inform implementation and adapt development interventions for increased effectiveness. This regular tracking and examination of implementation, results, and environmental changes provides rapid feedback that funders and implementers need to assess progress and refine their strategies and programming.

I4D has specialized in monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL). We use this foundation, alongside our strong culture of innovation and technology, to provide cutting edge, proactive, and right-sized MEL solutions to clients around the globe.

We provide MEL system design, data quality assessments, remote and third-party monitoring, and data verification. For recurrent monitoring tasks, we create automated tools and set up of user-friendly dashboards to help systems work more efficiently. We develop internal capacity through mentorship on practical approaches to ensure sustainability in the monitoring process. A focus on understanding each client’s needs helps us develop systems and processes that enable accountability and adaptive management through performance and context monitoring, and with our cadre of experts, we ensure monitoring data delivers evidence needed to improve results.

Our approach helps clients better use the data they have before pursuing modern approaches to data collection and analysis. I4D’s efforts result in better informed managers and more evidence-based decision-making with a focus on local leadership and engagement.

We have helped our clients set up systems and integrate monitoring data to make their work more efficient or effective. We are a leader in working with clients to monitor the effectiveness of their strategy. 


Drawing from our multi-sectoral team of experts, I4D designs complex monitoring systems using best practice approaches such as theories of change that help map causal pathways to change. As an industry leader, I4D’s monitoring systems rely on rigorous methodologies for collecting and using data for program design and decision-making and policy influence.

I4D works with development and health agencies, governments, their partners and stakeholders to define objectives they want to achieve, methods to assess these objectives, and activities that will make a difference. Through our monitoring, evaluation, and learning services, we help clients including bi-lateral and multi-lateral donors, foundations, non-profits, and government agencies to determine the efficacy and outcomes of programs dealing with food security, global health, global health security threats, forced labor, education, and climate resilience. 

Our project monitoring systems track implementation of project activities across specific outputs; monitor the extent to which the overall objectives of the project have been achieved; and guide collection, analysis, dissemination, and use of M&E data to inform project planning and learning.


If data already exist on a given subject, we leverage them to our clients' benefit. We assess quality, availability and frequency of reporting of existing data to determine how to best leverage data and to identify any gaps. If new information needs to be obtained, we know the questions to ask, the data sources to use, and the right mix of approaches to employ. Working in close collaboration with stakeholders, we identify appropriate metrics to determine if proposed goals will be achieved or whether mid-course corrections are necessary. I4D experts help identify critical assumptions to ensure that project metrics are relevant, accurate, and timely.